Saturday, February 16, 2013

There's No Better Promotion Than A Full Calendar

Hi Yuns!

It's been awhile since we've given the old blogsite some TLC - you can expect more regular updates from now on!

A bio, 8x10's, one-sheets, posters, testimonials, you-tube videos, tweets a million, facebook love (or at least "likes"), instagram, radio play, lies and damn lies...we use them all and generally use them well!  Social media has been incredibly useful as has every other form of independent carnival-barking we have wrangled.  We always say, "if you're not playing live - everything else is a mute point." 

Now to the point:  There's No Better Promotion Than A Full Calendar.  A full calendar does so much more to promote this band than anything else in our tool bag!  A full calendar means a full helping of opportunities. Opportunities to impress... or not, to move the soul....or not, to make our band undeniable and indispensable ....or not!! To pay our bills....or definitely not!!  

This band loves to live and die on our own merits; the merits of songs, harmonies and fun - where "it's the music that makes us smile!"  Give us a stage and we'll give you a show - not always (if ever) perfect - but passionate and with no note or emotion left unsung at the end.

We don't have the calendar we want to have yet, but we're excited to report that we have already booked as many dates as we did in all of 2012 and are working on more every single day.  

So, please check out our "getting more full" calendar below and come out to see us.  If you've got an idea to hep fill the calendar in, don't be shy!!!

As always, we are so grateful for your support   See you on the road this year! - RH

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

They say, “You Can't Keep A Band Together!”... but we did! CD Out June 9th.


They say, “You Can't Keep A Band Together!”

They say, "You can't keep a band together."  Raw words fly out in anger, unlike their refined lyrical counterparts.  Egos collide, guitars fight, mandolins, basses and drums conspire and voices off stage whisper and sometimes scream utterances of descent. They say, "You can't keep a band together."  Copyrights compete for fans’ affection and writer's pride 'till the meaning of the song beneath is the least note heard.  The bio defies the actual; the actual defies the dream and the dream is deferred.

They say, "You can't keep a band together."  The singer quits, the bass player finds a better gig, the new retreats, the old reclaims.  The venue goes under, the van breaks down, the station changes format, the demographic narrows and “oh no, the gig is really in Eastern Time Zone!” That naive vision formed in basements, garages and around kitchen tables grows jaded on tired platforms, in empty rooms and across long stretches of highway.  The solo stage beckons, the "real job" boxes you in and the girlfriend, the boyfriend, the husband, the wife, the children, the bills, the  bank account, the sacred spaces and the much needed time alone - they all beckon and at times they stalk. 

They say, "You can't keep a band together."  The grown-up world mocks. The unsold CDs whine.  The club owners’ shenanigans steal and then there’s the wrong date in the newspaper as the posters and hype lose out to the one thing that could sink your heralded gig!  You know, like you might be playing a big Arts Center in Wisconsin the very night that OJ Simpson is out driving his white Bronco while your entire audience stays at home to watch. Reality TV really is the bane of live music! All would be a complete disaster if not for the much maligned chutzpah that allows you to say, "the next gig, the next record and the next year....we're gonna' make it!

They say, "You can't keep a band together."  "You're too old," "you're too country," "you're too loud," "you're too boring," "too crude," "too early," "too late," "cheap," "expensive," "original," "derivative," "demur," "demanding," and a personal favorite, "you're too good!"

Yep! They say, "You can't keep a band together."  Ok, ok, it’s true - sad, but true. Except....this band is still here!  We’re still together!  Maybe we're just lucky, but quite frankly we haven't had enough of that smirking Lady Luck to show proof.  Maybe we've got a cushion, but only if bloated visa bills, dwindling savings accounts and family mercy count as cushion.  OK - maybe we're just plain stubborn, desperate or tough-as-nails.   Yeah....those who know us would say, "Lose the word ‘maybe’ in that sentence." 

Well, I know that you can keep a band together.  You can keep a band together because singing in harmony bridges all doubt and writing songs truly from the heart and soul penetrates the deafened ear.  You can keep a band together because some nights the cross-picking guitars give birth to overtones that rush the heavens and lift the weight and because the fiddle, bass and cajon have your back while you do it.  You can keep a band together because the one CD you sell is to the fan who was not a fan before the show and that two-hour set just felt like five minutes -  and you'd do it all again the next night for free (well, after expenses anyway)!

I think when all is said and done, you can keep a band together because as artists, that's who you are and that’s what you do.  You do it night after night when there is no money, no audience, no angle, no reason, no nothin', and on those seemingly rare occasions, when the stars rise instead of fall and the universe seems to align......well, you do it then too.

Please join Runaway Home as they celebrate their debut CD at World Music Nashville June 9th. @7pm.  Call World Music for details and tickets at (615) 425-0256.  Free CD with every ticket purchased.

-        Mark Elliott, Runaway Home –

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Runaway Home Reforms


  CHA - CHA - CHA - CHANGES........................................

                         THE NEW RUNAWAY HOME
 The Troubadour, The Guitar Slinger & The Mountain Songbird
               Mark Elliott * Gary Culley * Lisa McCarter

 Runaway Home is a band born of hometown enthusiasm and support.  In the short time since its founding they have immersed themselves in local venues, local events and the lives of their fans-turned friends.  You have seen them by now in your favorite rooms like “The Fillin’ Station” and “Red Tree Coffee” as well as benefits for “Cheatham County Flood Relief” and the annual “Cabin Fever Harpeth High School Band of Blue Benefit.” They have been a part of local radio like The “TJ Kirby & Rockin’ Wendy V Show”, Centerville’s KIZZ 96 and Dickson’s artist-friendly WDKN.

The band has even played a role in the personal lives of its fans, from birthday parties, to life celebrations and even final farewells.
But, like any good child of home, they have begun to “leave the nest”.  The band has made its mark around Nashville playing many of the known venues from the famous “Station Inn” to the stages of the “CMA-Fest.”  They have also done their fair share of TV including the “Billy Block Show”, “Music City Roots Live at the Station Inn” and country cable TV shows including “Ronnie McDowell’s Music City Tonight” and “The Don Gatlin Show.”

 Living up to the “Runaway” part of their name, the band has also been on the road.  They have been steadily playing venues from “The Halton Theater” & “Evening Muse” in Charlotte, NC to the Festival Stages of the “Pensacola Beach Songwriters Fest” and the Amphitheater at “Walker’s Bluff,” IL …..with dozens of stages  in-between.

The wheels of progress don’t turn without change though, and Runaway Home has had its share.  Teresa McCarter left the business and the band at the first of this year to pursue personal goals.  The band has re-tooled around its principle members and now the trio (along with its great backing band) continues headlong into the wind with a debut CD coming out in late April and miles of road ahead.

Catch them on their next stop at the Annual Cabin Fever Fundraiser for Harpeth High School’s Band of Blue.  Saturday night March 3rd.  The pre-show auction and dinner begins at 5:30pm.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



one thing stays the same.....
"It's The Music That Makes Us Smile"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Runaway Home Celebrates the life of Jerry Trosper this Saturday

Local Band Celebrates It’s Fans

Bands are born on the backs of true believers.  You know those fans who come to see you in the infancy of the new venture, encouraging you to keep going in the moments when you’re unsure.  They heckle you with uplifting words and song requests and hound you not to drag your feet one minute longer on that CD project you perennially promise. It’s an amazing thing to impact a fan with your words and your melodies, but when that fan gives it back to you one hundred fold  it’s something else altogether.  These are the fans who fill the bar stools, even when the large tables are empty and then sing your praises relentlessly until the room is full!  These are the fans who show up hundreds of miles away when you’re most in need of a familiar face in the crowd.  These are the fans who share the inside jokes, the hair-pulling obstacles, the oversized dreams and the Apple Pie Moonshine. These are the fans who become friends, family really. 

The Kingston Springs based band, Runaway Home counts itself fortunate to have many fans turned friends and family.  The band met and got its initial start at their favorite hometown bar - The Fillin’ Station.  The band returns to their musical home base on Saturday Dec. 17th @ 7:30pm. to play their special brand of Americana Music and celebrate the life of their number one fan, Jerry Trosper.  Runaway Home encourages everyone who knew and loved Jerry to come drink a beer, listen to the music and smile and laugh in Jerry’s honor.  They will have a special commemorative poster that they would love everyone to sign or write a personal note in Jerry’s honor.  After the show, the poster will be framed and hung permanently in the bar Jerry loved. - The Cheatham County Advocate, Kingston Springs, TN.

For more information visit -
“It’s the Music That Makes Us Smile”